Dark Web

In partnership with Security & Continuity Institute (SECO) 

Dark Web Foundation was co-developed with the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), the first scientific research institute to partner with INTERPOL to combat cybercrime. It offers a comprehensive and practical introduction to the Dark Web. During the course you will understand the technology behind the Dark Web, and you will use Tor to discover hidden sites and services. 

You will grasp the business dynamics of Dark Markets, and you will gain insight into Dark Web investigations through real-world incidents. Finally, you will get a thorough grounding in Bitcoin transactions, Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin laundering. The course draws on the practical experience of high-level cybersecurity experts and Dark Web researchers. 

Our partner, SECO

Security & Continuity Institute (SECO) is Europe’s leading institute for highly qualified Security & Continuity certifications and the body of knowledge of the Cybersecurity & Governance Certification Program.

SECO-Institute has a strong belief that there is a growing need in the world for more and better qualified Cybersecurity and Business Resilience professionals. This can only be achieved by developing and offering a complete range of courses per expertise that enables professionals to educate themselves and make a career in a fast changing and growing market.

Course outline

Duration: 3 days, 4.5 hours a day

IT security professionals will learn the foundations of the Dark Web as facilitator of hidden threats facing their organization. Law enforcement (police, justice, defense, fiscal authorities and investigators) will gain insights on how criminal activities evolve on the hidden part of the web, and understand cryptocurrency used for money transactions, money laundering etc. Policymakers and government officials in their efforts to develop legislation to combat crime in the digital era. This is an entry-level training, a technical background is not required to participate.

What you will learn:

  • Understand the Technology behind the Dark Web.
  • Use Tor to discover hidden sites and services
  • Grasp the business dynamics of Dark Markets.
  • Gain insight into Dark Web investigations through real-world incidents.
  • Thorough grounding in Bitcoin transactions, Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin laundering. 

Module 1 - Introduction
History of the Dark Web and the Tor project
Understanding Dark Markets
Finding Deep/Dark Websites

Module 2 - The Onion Router (Tor)
Identifiable information
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and cryptographic principles
Onion routing
Perfect forwarding secrecy
The Tor browser

Module 3 - Bitcoin and Blockchain
Bitcoin basics
Blockchain technology
Advanced wallets
Bitcoin laundering and mixing services

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